SELENA integrates with the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) at each tier of intervention. MTSS is the structure set out to schools for providing targeted academic, social, or behavioral interventions to students. When solely focused on academics, MTSS may sometimes be referred to as Response to Intervention (RTI). MTSS provides for a three-tiered model of intervention support to students, starting with Tier I- high quality instruction delivered to all students.
Tier I: SELENA’s class-wide modules target the 5 core competencies of Social Emotional Learning (self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision making), as well as SELect topics.
Tier II: Sometimes, students may have difficulty demonstrating these new skills they have learned and require more intensive instruction. Lessons can be reviewed, and Lesson Extensions can be utilized by the classroom teacher, interventionist, or guidance counselor at the MTSS Tier II level of targeted small group interventions.
Tier III: When progress monitoring data suggests that a student requires an intensive intervention, he or she is provided Tier III support. SELENA’s 1:1 modules are designed to target social emotional skill growth through individual instruction with the student.